Joan      Austin

Alexandra K. Austin

Andrea was fantastic with my 11 year-old daughter! She came to our house to assess the situation and find out my daughter's style, and then on another day we all went shopping. She pulled a bunch of clothing before we got to the store, and I was surprised at how much of it fit! My daughter's self-image and mental health have been so much better since Andrea came to our rescue.

I've often been quoted saying "I'm bad at being a girl." Yes, I have a style of sorts. Yes, I have colors I love to wear. But do I know which colors look best with my hair and skin tone? Do I know when to wear belts, when to layer, and how to look like me AND look professional at the same time? I had no clue until Andrea spent a couple of hours with me and it totally changed how I think about my appearance. I guess it made me realize that my outer shell is more than an outer shell, that it's an expression of what's within - when I look good, it's an act of loving and taking care of myself. Andrea helped me pick out outfits and we tried them on together at the store. It was ridiculous - every outfit she picked out was amazing, and it was certainly nothing I would have ever grabbed off the rack in a million years. I felt completely comfortable with her and I trusted her implicitly! She also made sure that we stayed within my budget and she was ALWAYS right about everything. Since meeting with her, I reevaluated my closet and not only found beautiful things I had bought that I'd never worn but I went to Target mumbling "what would Andrea pick?" Now I have a new wardrobe for under $350 and I'm excited to put together outfits every day. People have already noticed how much more confident I feel and tell me I'm glowing all the time! Oddly enough, my posture has even improved. Do yourself a favor and do a wardrobe evaluation with Andrea or go shopping with her, because it'll change you!

Sonora L.        Austin

I found myself going to my significant other's family reunion in upstate New York. My first time to meet them. We would all be staying in a cottage on one of the finger lakes for a week. There would be daytime excursions that would turn into evening dinners and concerts. Holy crap, I needed to pack a small suitcase for that?!  I'm supposed to elegantly go from morning to night in a befitting fashion all the while hoping to impress and fit in?!  

Andrea, already knowing my closet, brought a few new clothes and accessories to my house, set them out to match with clothes in my closet. She explained that my Austin 'hippie' fashions would not be appropriate in a more conservative environment. In an hour's time; she explained how to exchange and coordinate jackets with dresses, etc.  Daytime to nighttime with ease. The girl is talented.

This all made glorious sense BUT THEN she packed them into a carry-on bag.  What the...?!  Crazy kind of miracle getting all that into a confined space that I could carry myself. While I was on my trip, I was continually complimented on my great outfits.  I was always ready before anyone else. Ha! It was the easiest trip I've ever made anywhere.

Now, since she knows what I own and what fits me, I can simply tell her what I'm willing to spend and without trying on a thing, including shoes, she brings fun, sexy, and 'befitting' attire for work, sweet evenings at home, or important social occasions to my house. Easy! I feel fabulous in my outfits, my hair style, make up.

Confidence?  Hell yeah!!! You have never spent your money more wisely than on Andrea at Wardrobe Interventions!

Georges S.     Austin

Punctual, courteous, friendly and knowledgeable.

Andrea helped me clean out a lot of stuff...really motivating me to refine what I owned but polite and understanding at the same time.

Came back with a bunch of good recommendations based off my age and style.

Highly recommend her services.

Beth J.     Austin

I LOATHE shopping, and my worst problem is having a full closet with nothing to wear. Spending a couple of sessions with Andrea saved me from my horrible habits. She helped me create multiple outfits by finding keynote clothing that can be worn in multiple ways. After a few sessions with Andrea I have learned how to have a super stylish wardrobe at a much more realistic price-point. Her eye for complimenting colors and styles has added new pieces to my normal outfits that I would have never picked up in a million years. Not only is she a super tasteful stylist, but a wonderful companion for the day as well! SO MUCH FUN!

Thanks again Andrea! See you soon : )

Julie D.     Lincoln, NE  

I was getting ready to move to another state and wanted help with a closet purge and wardrobe update. After two hours with Andrea, I had put at least half of my clothes into Goodwill bags. These were all of those items I bought to "hide" my figure ... the bump leftover from pregnancy, the knobby knees, etc. I also was very fond of black, which, as I am aging, Andrea gently reminded me, can actually make me look older when worn by the face. In the bag. (Okay, so I kept a little bit of black). The majority of the give aways, however, were the clothes that I just never seemed to feel good in. I discovered that some hit me in the wrong place and made me look disproportionate ... and so I FELT disproportionate. Some had necklines that were too boyish, others were of knit fabric and styles that were too youthful for my age (think Old Navy). In the bag. I was really worried about letting go of so many clothes. Funny thing is, I never looked back, and have not missed a single piece! And, I feel so much lighter! Andrea was nothing but respectful and encouraging as I made my decisions (and, might I say, fun)!

Now, my closet is full of clothes that flatter me. Thanks to Andrea's advice, I'm tucking shirts in, wearing yellow for the first time (lots of compliments), creating a longer leg line, and showing off my figure. I'm having fun getting dressed again. I feel more confident, more age appropriate and professional, and more attractive, especially to myself (which has not been common)! My only regret is not allowing more time with Andrea before I moved. Next time I'm in Austin, I'll hire Andrea to take me shopping and help me put some outfits together! Heck, I may bring her to Lincoln! Then my friends here could have the same experience!

Melicia S.      Pflugerville, Tx

I called Andrea because I just felt like I was in a rut.  I'm in my mid-thirties, have two young children, and I felt I couldn't keep up with fashion and trends.  I didn't want to dress like a teenager, but I still wanted to look hip and sexy.  I am so glad I called her!  She worked with my style and personality (which I'm sure wasn't easy!) and helped me find age-appropriate clothes that are in style and flatter my figure. She is very knowledgeable and professional, and already had several outfits picked out for me when I got there. Now I have a closet full of clothes I love. I called her again when I found out I was going to attend a special event and had no idea what to wear.  What Andrea helped me pick out was perfect for the occasion.  I was neither over nor under dressed and I felt amazing. Looking and feeling great has given me back the confidence I had lost. I would recommend Andrea to everyone.  She rocks!