Born in Adelaide, Australia and raised in Austin, Tx, I have always had a passion for self discovery through personal style. While attending college in Boston, I soon realized that I had a knack for dressing different body types, and that it was all about proportion and colors.  From thin to voluptuous, from petite to tall,  the growth of confidence in the women and men I was helping was amazing to witness, and I knew that I wanted to witness more. 

For the next 4+ years I had the privilege of traveling the world for months at a time as an assistant/personal stylist for an affluent family in Malibu, CA. By learning and experiencing a wide range of cultures and styles considered beautiful in their countries, including trips to Buenos Aires, Iceland, Ireland, Vietnam, Cambodia, Antarctica, Africa, Belgium, all throughout Europe and China, I soaked up the knowledge that came with this lifestyle.

From assisting in the design of a couture wedding ensemble in Paris, overseeing shirt fittings in Shanghai, to selecting suits in Italy, and shopping on Rodeo Drive, I have gained worldly insight and an appreciation for the fashion world and what defines our personal styles. Now, as a certified image consultant, I am helping the people of Austin and surrounding areas discover their personal style. Whether it’s Neiman Marcus or Target, I would love to hear about your personal journey with style and help in any way I can. Cheers! - Andrea

“Style is not an expression of wealth but an expression of imagination.”